In current situation it's better to make decks aggro a bit.
I'm using below. Now Daria is in high tier but it's bit slow on begining (of cause nobody can stop it if e-sports begin).
I think Khawy is not so reliable because of Portalcraft so if you want make deck heavier, I recommend to put Odile or Immortal Thane.
And just for fun, I strongly recommend to use Nepthys deck.
I often lose to Japanese players by rank match. Right now, I am rank A0, I am using a Midrange shadowcraft. Those who use the same deck, please let me know strategy and deck list. It is a rotation format. Answer please.
Thank you!!! Neftis is interesting!!! But I do not have it…
Most welcome! I'll not force to use Nephthys, it's surely not strong deck haha